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Hey, I just got the game and im stuck on the loading screen. Could I have some assistance?

I have a question, does it have spanish translate? 


Hey Marco,

This version of the game does not have Spanish, but the game does have an official Spanish translation you can get in the Steam version. I hope that works for you.

Totally busted for android


Thanks for letting us know, I will get the dev team to take a look into this.

Do you have a crash screen to potentially share with us you can email it to



It just says that 

(1 edit) (+2)

At a quick glance at what you have there it seems maybe just a corrupted file issue from the download.

It also looks like you downloaded the windows version of the game not the Android.

Can you try redownloading it?

download the apk not the zip fil

I did download the apk file. It still has that problem 


Did you download the right one this time? As the one I am seeing in your image is the Windows Linux Build.